


Functional Movement 101 – The Push Up functional movement push up strength training Apr 15, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo, MD, CFL1


The push-up is right beside the squat among the most foundational of the functional movements. This movement requires the recruitment of many muscle groups, including the muscles of the shoulder, rotator cuff, pectoral muscles, muscles of the...

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Overhead Strength, Mobility, and Stability mobility strength training Apr 10, 2024


By Dr. Carla DiGirolamo MD, CFL1


This week's workout focuses on a key area that often falls through the cracks and that is overhead strength, mobility, and stability. Moving weight overhead is a functional movement required for everyday activities such as lifting a box or any heavy...

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A New Twist on Zone 2 Training strength training training zone2 Apr 02, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo, MD, CFL1 


Zone 2 training is defined as exertion in a heart rate range that is maintained at 60-70% of one’s maximum heart rate. There are many ways to calculate maximum heart rate with the most common method being subtracting your age from 220. If...

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It's All In the Hips hip flexors strength training Mar 25, 2024


By Dr. Carla DiGirolamo


In simple terms, the “hip joint” is the ball and socket joint where the head of the femur meets the pelvis. Flexion at the hip occurs, for example, when you do a sit-up. As your torso approaches your knees, the hip joint is...

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Strength Training On The Go strength training Mar 18, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo, MD, CFL1 


This workout is a “go-to” for strength training if you're pressed for time or traveling. It’s versatile in that you can pair any two upper/lower body lifts that you wish, it's time-efficient, and can be done with minimal...

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Get a Grip on Your Muscle Strength - Part 2 grip strength strength training Mar 12, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo, MD, CFL1


Last week, we kicked off this workout series with a focus on grip strength. We reviewed why grip strength is important and its correlation with various health metrics, such as low bone mineral density (BMD), depression, anxiety, sleep quality,...

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Get a Grip on Your Muscle Strength! grip strength strength training Mar 05, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo MD, CFL1


Loss of muscle mass and strength with age is related to many factors including the overall physiological changes with aging and the menopausal transition, reduced activity levels, changing nutrition - among other factors. Excessive loss of muscle...

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The Best Training for Your Menopausal Brain brain health strength training training Jan 23, 2024

What’s good for your muscles is good for your mind.


By Selene Yeager


As menopausal women, we care a lot about our brains, especially as the hormonal shifts that happen starting in perimenopause can lead to changes in our brains and women have a greater risk of developing...

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Resolve to Keep These Healthy, Active Menopause Habits in the New Year brain health hiit menopause muscle sleep strength training Jan 08, 2024

Make muscle, get strong, prioritize your sleep, and more in 2024


By Selene Yeager


The holidays are behind us, the new year stretches out in front of us. We’re back to work, ready to dig into new goals. We don’t really buy into “New Year, New You!”...but we do...

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Our Favorite Exercise Research Findings from 2023 brain health hiit strength training Dec 26, 2023


Physical activity is good menopausal medicine. These studies show why.


By Selene Yeager


It goes without saying, we love exercise here at Feisty Menopause. Running, riding, rowing, lifting, hiking, surfing, and generally healthy, active living are in our DNA. We don’t...

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5 Things Many Doctors Still Miss About Menopause healthcare hot flash research strength training Dec 13, 2023


Active women especially can struggle to get quality care. Here’s why.


By Selene Yeager


We are literally a new generation of menopausal women like the world has never seen. We are the first generation of women who grew up with Title IX in the US, which ushered in a...

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Our Favorite Things from 2023 foot health gifts inflammation joint health strength training Dec 06, 2023


Here’s stuff we love that helped us live our best, strongest, feistiest menopausal lives last year.


By Selene Yeager


Three years ago, we started Feisty Menopause with the goal of providing the training, nutrition, and lifestyle advice you need to maximize performance...

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