Vitality and longevity begin with physical independence starting with the functional movements we perform every day to the complex movements that allow us to excel in the sports we love into the later decades of our lives.
This week’s feature movement is the squat - the arguably...
The Holidays are a festive time to enjoy reconnecting with family and friends, which is so important for our well-being and longevity. This time of year takes us out of our routines (which can be a good thing!) with travel, holiday parties, and the indulgences that accompany them. As a...
The foundation of the functional movements we do every day and in the sports we play are grounded in the muscles at the center or “core” of our body from our neck to our knees. Power generated from the core is translated through the joints, and then to the...
By Carla DiGirolamo, MD, CFL1
The push-up is right beside the squat among the most foundational of the functional movements. This movement requires the recruitment of many muscle groups, including the muscles of the shoulder, rotator cuff, pectoral muscles, muscles of the...