


Bone Health Boot Camp bone health strength training Jun 04, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo MD, CFL1


This workout has everything that’s great for your bones and then some! We have 2 plyometric movements that stimulate the bones from different directions and a weighted movement, the dumbbell thruster, which adds a weight-bearing stimulus to the...

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How to Keep Your Menopausal Joints Healthy and Happy bone health hormone therapy joint health Aug 29, 2023

Joint pain can rear its creaky head when you reach the menopause transition. Here’s how to keep moving pain free.



By Selene Yeager



Joint pain is one of those menopausal symptoms that flies under the radar…until you find yourself suddenly sidelined with...

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Why Menopausal Women Should Try High-Velocity Resistance Training bone health high-velocity strength training Jul 11, 2023

Picking up the pace in the weight room can improve your health and performance.


By Selene Yeager


As active performance-minded menopausal women, we have to push back on a lot of societal expectations and messages, but arguably (and truly arguably, because there are many to choose...

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Your Menopause Muscle Maintenance Plan bone health menopause strength training May 30, 2023

It’s harder to make and maintain muscle in midlife and menopause. Here’s what can help.


By Selene Yeager


We talk about muscle a lot here at Feisty Menopause. Your muscle mass not only helps you run, jump, ski, hike, clean and jerk, surf, cycle, and otherwise keep...

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Our Menopause Wish List bone health Nov 09, 2022

With the NAMS Annual Meeting in the rearview mirror, this is what we’d like to see in the future.


By Selene Yeager


The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) held its annual meeting last month. I attended for the first time and was treated to 3 ½ jam-packed days of ...

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How to Maintain Strong Bones Through Menopause and Beyond bone health Oct 12, 2022

Bone loss can start in your 30s and accelerates in menopause. Here’s how to keep your skeleton strong.


By Selene Yeager


We’ve been conditioned to think of osteoporosis as something to worry about “later,” when we reach older adulthood. Heck, the US Department...

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