Training Your Asymmetries
Jul 15, 2024
By Carla DiGirolamo MD, CFL1
Physical asymmetries are a natural part of being Human. It begins early in brain development resulting in being “right-handed” or “left-handed”. Through the years as children and adults, we naturally develop a side that we tend to favor over the other.
Training our individual “sides” helps ensure that our natural asymmetries do not progress into overt “imbalances”, which can negatively affect our activities of daily living and athletic performance. Don’t be surprised if you see significant differences between your two sides during this workout. This is normal… and is why we do this kind of training.
This workout is a modification of workout 230610 from the CrossFit training archives. It incorporates a high-skill movement (jumping rope) with a walking lunge holding a single dumbbell overhead which targets core and shoulder stabilizers on each side. Each segment concludes with an alternating plank shoulder tap. If jumping rope is not available to you, don’t worry - there are scales for all fitness levels and limitations!
This workout is particularly good for perimenopausal and menopausal women because we target bone health with plyometrics (jump rope), core and shoulder stability, balance, and flexibility are challenged with the overhead walking lunge and the plank shoulder taps. Finally, the weighted lunge promotes muscle strength and stamina.
Warm Up
AMRAP 7 (As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes)
- 20 single-under jump rope (or simulated jump rope) -for a low-impact option: 20 high-knee march in place (R+L = 1 rep)
- 20 alternating lunge in place (left + right = 2 reps)
- 6 plank alternating shoulder taps (Knees or toes)
Movement Practice
Take 5-10 minutes to test out your weights and select your options for the workout. Choose a weight that allows you to do the lunges unbroken while maintaining good form.
Movement options:
- Substitutions for double unders: Single unders, simulated jump rope, or 1 minute of lateral steps over a line or use of an agility ladder with quick feet as a low impact option if jumping is not available to you.
- Single arm overhead lunge options: Use no weight with arm extended straight overhead, for weight lighter than a dumbell, hold an object such as a shoe, can of beans or other small object overhead.
Part 1 - 7-minute Core Activation - Follow along from Train FTW
Part 2 - AMRAP 15 (As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes)
- 50 single unders (30 double-unders or simulated jump rope, or 1-minute agility ladder work)
25-ft walking overhead lunge, right arm (or 10 alternating lunges in place)
25-ft walking overhead lunge, left arm - 10 plank alternating shoulder taps (right + left = 2 repetitions)
Cool Down
Finish up today’s workout with a 15-minute yoga stretch sequence to release the hips and hamstrings and return your energy systems to baseline.
Yoga to release the hips and hamstrings - 15 minutes
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