Data show that menopausal women experience mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, but too many stay silent.
By Selene Yeager
Suicide isn’t an easy topic to talk about. But it’s far too important a topic to not talk about. Many members in our...
Many women struggle during the menopause transition. Here’s what can help.
By Selene Yeager
Body image is a lifelong battle for many women. Even when our hormones are at their most predictable and stable, many of us struggle. Those struggles often get worse when we...
Surgical menopause can be especially rough. Hormone therapy can smooth the transition. Here’s what you need to know.
By Selene Yeager
Menopause can cause more than three dozen symptoms over the course of several years. Surgical menopause can send you headlong into a host of...
“The change” can upend your performance and identity. Here’s how to find solid ground.
By Selene Yeager
I am a runner. I am a triathlete. I do CrossFit. I’m a rower. Many of us identify with the activities that we’ve always done…maybe for our...
Menopause can mess with your gut microbiome. Here’s how to make it better.
by Selene Yeager
As women, we’re often told to “trust our gut,” to tune into those deep-seated feelings that tell us something is not quite right. As active women out running,...
Health tracking apps, telehealth, femtech, and other advances are helping women manage symptoms and optimize health and performance. And it’s only going to get better.
By Selene Yeager
We are currently in the Golden Age of Menopause. During the past two to three years alone...
The little things matter a lot when it comes to moving pain-free.
By Selene Yeager
Mobility is the foundation for a healthy, active life. Though we tend to conflate it with flexibility, mobility is more than being able to touch your toes or drop into a picture-perfect pigeon pose....
Can’t sleep? You’re not alone. Sleep problems are common — and often misdiagnosed — in menopausal women. Here’s what you need to know.
By Selene Yeager
It’s 2 a.m. and you’re practicing deep, controlled breathing; counting backward from 30;...
The big O doesn’t have to go MIA during the menopause transition.
By Selene Yeager
When it comes to sexual satisfaction, the title of an editorial published last month in the journal Menopause says it all (for some women): On no! Where did my “big O” go? Or...
Hint: It may take more than Kegels.
By Selene Yeager
If you’ve ever found yourself twisting your legs like a braided breadstick as you fumble to get your keys in the door or pulling up your pants to leave the bathroom only to drop them again because you still feel like you have...
Workouts that are good for your muscles are good for your mind.
By Selene Yeager
As menopausal women, we hear a lot of unsettling news about our brain health. Brain scan research shows that our brains physically change during the menopause transition, with a dip in gray and white matter...
Alcohol is good! Alcohol is bad! The research is equivocal and the decision to drink is personal. Here's what science shows.
By Selene Yeager
If you’ve paid any attention to alcohol research for any length of time, you, like me, have developed a case of results whiplash....